Turns out modern and organic looked like rubbish on my finger, and something a little princessy was the better-looking option. But bigger (as in, larger than pave size) diamonds felt wrong on my hand. Should have seen the face of one jewellery salesperson when I asked if they had anything smaller than 1/3 of a carat. I decided I wanted a weeny little diamond with sapphires solid all around. Except it turns out that to do that, you have to custom cut the sapphires into little wedge-shapes so they sit flush against each other properly. Which was a teeny bit pricier than we expected. So I reversed the idea. Sapphire in the middle, diamonds round the outside.
I then went on a three-month hunt for a sapphire. A colour-change sapphire, to be fancy about it. Ended up buying one online from the US and taking it to the jeweller to be set. It was larger than I intended, but I figured after three months I wasn't going to turn down a stone because it was too big. So I ditched the idea of diamonds round the outside. And, that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I ended up with a sapphire solitaire.

And for the record, I love it. For a review of the jeweller we used, and the saga of BCB's engagement ring (yes, he got one too), stay tuned.
Gorgeous colour! Love it x
Your ring is stunning! I love sapphires too!
gorgeous LupinBunny!!!
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